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摘要品鉴:光绪年造户部鄂字版大清铜币·当制钱十文 编辑 直径:28mm 大清铜币,学名清代机制铜圆,铸造始于1900年(清光绪二十六年),止于1911年(宣统三年),流通时间较短。多位清帝在位...





The copper coin of Qing Dynasty, whose scientific name is the mechanism copper coin of Qing Dynasty, was coined in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of Xuantong), and its circulation time was relatively short. Many Qing emperors issued copper coins as circulating currency during their reign. The use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, which makes the transaction more convenient. The copper coins of the Qing Dynasty were minted by 19 provinces and bureaus, with many editions and various formats, especially those who made ten articles, bearing the strong historical imprint of the historical period. The use of e-type copper coins in Qing Dynasty had important practical and historical significance at that time, and it was also very well-known in the current coin collection circle, and occupied an important position.



The copper coins of Qing Dynasty are the representatives of modern machine-made coins. They are well-known and have distinctive characteristics of the times. They are widely loved by copper coin lovers because of their elegant and beautiful layout, excellent production and few surviving. The Qing Dynasty copper coins are the culture and wealth left to us by our ancestors. Even if they did not have the original circulation and exchange function, their value gradually increased with the passage of time. They are very popular in the collection market, and have an indescribable collection value!

此枚光绪年造户部鄂字版大清铜币·当制钱十文品相精致,钱币正面珠圈内铸有“大清铜币”四字,中间为“鄂”字(鄂指的是湖北省);珠圈外上缘铸满文及干支纪年“丙午”,左右分列“户部”二字,下环“当制钱十文”,字体挺拔俊美,极具书法艺术价值。钱币背面珠圈内为蟠龙图案,腾云驾雾,威风凛凛;珠圈外有“光绪年造”及“TAI CHING TI KUO COPPER COIN”(汉译为大清帝国铜币)字样。中华上下数千年,龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面,成为一种文化的凝聚和积淀,龙成了中国的象征、中华民族的象征、中国文化的象征!此币正面文字清秀俊美,大气磅礴,背面龙纹打造深峻清晰,包浆自然,铸造精湛,包浆自然,钱币经过了时间的洗礼,平添几分沧桑的历史韵味,相辅相成、相得益彰,属于难得珍品,极具收藏价值!


This bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty was made in Hubu in the year of Guangxu. The ten characters of the coin are exquisite. There are four characters of "Daqing copper coin" in the front of the coin, and the word "e" is in the middle (e refers to Hubei Province); the upper edge of the bead circle is cast with Manchu and Ganzhi chronology "Bingwu", with two characters of "Hubu" on the left and right, and "Dangqian Shiwen" in the lower ring. The font is straight and beautiful, which is of great artistic value of calligraphy. On the back of the coin, there is a dragon pattern inside the bead circle, which is majestic and majestic; outside the bead circle are the words "made in Guangxu year" and "Tai Ching Ti Kuo copper coin". For thousands of years in China, the dragon has penetrated into all aspects of Chinese society and become a kind of cultural cohesion and accumulation. The dragon has become the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation and the symbol of Chinese culture! The front of this coin is beautiful and magnificent, and the dragon pattern on the back is deep and clear. It is natural and exquisite. It has been baptised by time and has added some historical charm. It complements each other and complements each other. It is a rare treasure and has great collection value!


